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OSU Emeriti Association

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APRIL 25, 2016

COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Anne Matoy, Dennis Bertholf, Tana Rutan, Ron Elliott, Russell Wright


COMMITTEE/CHAIRS/REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Kay Keys, Zane Quible, Kent Olson, Bob Wettemann, Althea Wright, Charles Leider, David Lewis


Anne Matoy welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order at 1:30


Agenda: Agenda approved and March 27, 2016


Minutes: Minutes stand as submitted.


Treasure's Report: Ron Elliott distributed the March Treasure’s Report. One couple and one single retiree joined as lifetime members. He pointed out the value of the Endowment goes up and down. The scholarship award will be made in the next academic year. This report shows we paid for two caterers and no set ups. Report shows total Spendable Assets of $33,589.87. Russ moved that we approve the report, seconded and passed.

Reports and Updates

Policy and Procedures

Thanks to the hard work of Dave and his committee the errors are now corrected. Russ moved that we approve the corrected Policy and Procedures, seconded and passed.


Financial Review

Kent Olson reported that he and Bob completed the examination and found no errors and a very good job by Ron Elliott of keeping all finances in order. Kent sent and read a letter to Anne explaining in detail how they reviewed the accounts. Dennis motioned to approve review, seconded and passed.


Appointment of Vacant Council Seat

Sharon Nivens has been appointed to take the vacated council seat of Katye Parry. Dennis motioned to approve, seconded and passed.


Summer Get-Togethers

Dates suggested we try for are July 11 and Aug. 8, at Hide Away. In our June Dinner Meeting we will ask if people are interested in continuing the get-togethers and it will also go in the Updates.


Membership Committee

Kay Keys worked with Sharon Nivens to have all new memberships caught up. The Directories have been sent out. Letters will be sent out to new retirees in June.


May Dinner Meeting

Well be held at Meditations: Clem has made our part of the arrangements and OLLI will do their part. Russ will bring our name tags. Updates will be on the tables.


Commencement Ambassadors

Russ has enough volunteers for the first session. He needs one more volunteer for the second session. For the third session he needs several volunteers. It is on Mother’s Day week end so it is difficult to get people to commit. 


Items to be included in the UPDATE: Summer Get-Togethers, South West Trip deadline, Mississippi River Trip announcement, June meeting with Carol Hedrick giving her wonderful book review “Helen Hayes, and a mention of the need for Commencement Ambassadors.


Interest Groups

Zane mentioned “Making the Most of Retirement” session topics are complete for 2016. He mentioned a defensive driving course for seniors. Several retirees may have an interest in this course. Also he has talked to Arlene Devers about a presentation spot in 2017 for Literacy Council. Coming up May 18 the Silk Road and the Asiatic Sea will be presented for the Arm Chair Travels series.


Facilities - Emeriti Suite – Banner

Anne mentioned that Judy Lewis has volunteered to work on this project. Vickie Sturgeon will help with supplying pictures to use, highlighting Emeriti activities. We are to come up with four good examples; such as the Scholarship Fund.


Emeriti Suite Printer Update

At this time we have no further word on the topic.


Benefits – Software

Regarding OSU Software, you need to have the Dean approve it for you.


Anne passed around a thank you note from Dr. Lee Bird. She enjoyed speaking to us at our last meeting.


AROHE Conference

All on the list should have received the announcement of the Conference coming up in August 14-16. The President Elect should be the one to attend as that person would benefit the most from the experience. Since that position is vacant at this time we will not be sending anyone.

University/ Faculty Council Report 

No report this time since Anne was on the KS Salt Mine Trip on the date of the meeting.

Faculty Council Research Committee Report for 2015-2016

 During the 2015-16 academic year the Faculty Council Research Committee has focused its attention on the topic of undergraduate research. The consensus view of the Committee is that research has the potential to be an important element of the undergraduate educational experience and that it is not receiving adequate support at Oklahoma State University. The Committee’s response to this perceived opportunity is a recommendation to the Faculty Council.


The Committee’s recommendations include the following elements:


  • The creation of “Faculty Fellows” in the Office of Scholarship Development and Undergraduate Research and each of the Undergraduate Colleges to coordinate liaise the support of undergraduate research between and within the Provosts Office and the undergraduate colleges.

  • The undergraduate research transcript designation be modified to make it more available by requiring a minimum of two semesters of research with the same mentor and either a peer reviewed publication or presentation at a state, regional or national conference.

  • Expansion of the University’s support for undergraduate research by: providing funding for travel costs for students and faculty mentors to attend a state, regional, or national conference to present the results of their research; allow students to compete for research funding beyond University sources; incorporate undergraduate research in Research Week activities.

  • Recognition of the faculty commitment to successfully support undergraduate research by: encouraging faculty to include mentoring of undergraduate research on their A & D documents, and departments and college administrations recognize faculty mentoring when considering reappointment, tenure, and promotion of faculty; consider mentoring of undergraduate research when establishing workload allocations; creation of faculty and graduate University research mentoring awards.

  • Develop ways to unobtrusively and effectively identify and monitor undergraduates involved in research and their mentors.


These recommendations will be presented for consideration at the May 10th meeting of the Faculty Council.

David Lewis

May 1, 2016


Dennis made a motion that we adjourn at 2:30. Seconded and passed.


Respectfully submitted,

Tana Rutan

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