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OSU Emeriti Association

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November 28, 2016

COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Anne Matoy, Tana Rutan, Ron Elliott, Russ Wright, Dennis Bertholf


COMMITTEE/CHAIRS/REPRESENTATIVES: Judy Lewis, Zane Quible, Clem Ward, Bob Wettemann, Charles Leider


Agenda: Agenda was approved.


Council Minutes: Stand approved as corrected.


Treasurer's Report: Ron Elliott Ron reported the Archives indicate the Emeriti Organization’s Constitution was officially approved on October 20, 1988. Zane will put this information on the web site. Checks for September and October dinners cleared. This report reflects the movement of $3,000.00 from the Foundation account to the Endowment account. Also money for dues shows under receipts. Ron received a thank you from the Library for the $100.00 we paid to them to help with the cost of use of their room for classes. Total spendable assets $31,338.04. Clem motioned to approve the Treasurer’s Report and Dennis seconded and motion was passed.

Reports and Updates

President's Update

Anne Matoy


No meeting for December. Annual Reports, Updated Job Descriptions: Job Descriptions and Annual Reports and Plans for 2017 are due to Anne by January 9, 2017. Budget will be approved at January 30th Council meeting. The Banner will be reported on as well and Judy is requesting any photos of interest to be sent to her for use on the Banner. A Communication/Photographer person is needed as we go into 2017. A sign will be placed on the sign in table at dinner meetings asking that “members 90 years of age and older or turning age 90 this year to mention it” to the people at the sign in table.


Dinner Meetings

Clem Ward and Russ Wright


Clem reported we ran out of food at the November dinner meeting. He has been unable to find out how this happened. No dinner meeting in January. The February meeting will be a Botanical Gardens presentation. The March dinner meeting may be at the Student Union with a tour of the facility. April meeting will feature Carol Hedrick. May meeting will be with OLLI. Russ will get a list of future dinner meetings to Misty.


Recognition of 90's

Gladeen Allred


Listing, Dinner for guests: During December meeting, Gladeen will read names of honorees aged 90 and over. Poinsettias used as center pieces for tables will be presented to the honorees. Bob motioned to approve expenditure for the poinsettias, Russ seconded and motion passed.



Items to be included in the UPDATE: The need for a Communication/Photographer will be in the Update. A request to members age 90 or turning 90 this year to let us know. The upcoming Dinner Meetings and speakers will be listed. The mention of the book “Oklahoma State University - The Campus History” written by Charles Leider and the possibility of it being sold at the February meeting. Bring a prospective new member to a dinner and their dinner will be free. Bert Hanson’s wife Adiela passed away.



Russ Wright


Russ has 7 volunteers signed up for the first session of December graduation and 6 people for the second session. He would like to have 8 people for each session. Anne and Russ will talk to the Alumni Director in January about utilizing the Ambassadors in their activities. Also they will look into the Student Union’s need for services the Ambassadors may provide. The possibility of Russ finding someone to take over the leadership of the Ambassadors was discussed.


Interest Groups and Travel

Dennis Bertholf/Jack Stout/Zane Quible


Zane will send future dates of “Making the Most of Retirement” classes to Misty. Judy Lewis mentioned Jodelle Stout broke her hip and is in Re-Hab. Since she and Jack are in charge of the Travel, Russ will talk with them about upcoming trips and ask if they are willing to continue planning these trips. Anne mentioned the need for firm dates and deadlines for trips in order to advertise them in the Update/Newsletter.

University/ Facult Standing Committee Reports

Faculty Council Report

Anne Matoy


Anne mentioned there isn’t a great deal of activity to report on other than Grades and the Banner System. Bob Wettemann reported the Family Leave issue is still a being discussed. Chuck Leider mentioned the Campus Facilities Committee is talking about the parking lots reserved by departments and a new east side parking garage coming and some new buildings may be in violation of perceived boundaries of campus.


At 2:40 p.m. Dennis made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Our next meeting will be January 30, 2017.


Respectfully Submitted,

Tana Rutan

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