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OSU Emeriti Association

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Monday December 10, 2018

Executive Committee Members Present: Sharon Nivens, Tana Rutan, Ron Elliott


Committee Chairs/ Representatives Present: Glade Presnal, Clem Ward, Jack Dillwith, Dolores Willett, Mike Lorenz, Althea Wright, Zane Quible, Faye Ann Presnal, Gladeen Allred, Bob Wetteman, and Kay Keys.


Agenda: Approved by: Tana Rutan

Agenda Stands as presented.


Council Minutes: November Council Minutes stand approved as presented. 


Treasurer’s Report: Approved by: Ron Elliott, Treasurer

This month’s report shows 2 payments to caterers and 1 receipt for dinner. Some annual dues are coming in. The numbers on the 2 Foundation accounts are as of Oct. 31. Ron asked the council about the possibility of combining the checking and money market accounts or putting some in a CD. He will make an in-depth report on this next month. Treasurer’s report stands as presented.

Reports and Updates 

Membership Committee

Mike Lorenz

Sharon shared with us the job description of the Membership Chair/Committee. After looking over the extent of duties we all agreed it must be a committee and not just the Chairman. Clem pointed out as in the bylaws it must be a committee. Dolores mentioned that Misty should be involved. Mike will visit with Misty and Dolores and they will decide what is needed. We discussed possible candidates for the committee. Dolores handed out the revised brochure for review. Dolores asked us to send corrections and changes to her as soon as possible.



Judy Lewis

In Judy’s absence Sharon reported on the progress with Ambassadors signing up to work the two graduations on December 15. They have 7 volunteers for the morning.


Tours and Travel

Sharon Nivens

Jack and Jodie will no longer be able to handle the travel arrangements. We give a huge thank you for all the years of fun travel the Emeriti Association has enjoyed due to Jack and Jodelle Stout’s diligent work in the travel area. A card will be going out to them. We need to find someone to take over the leadership of tours and travel. Since it comes under Activities, Faye Ann will look into the project.



Faye Ann

Faye Ann has arranged for President and Mrs. Hargis to give a program or two in the fall of 2019. Precious Elmore Sanders of the Multi-Cultural Center will be our speaker for Feb. Ruth Ann Cavens with Casa will be our speaker for March.


Agreement between OSU Alumni Association/OSU Emeriti Association

Sharon Nivens

Last year Sharon and Anne met with the director of the Alumni Association to update the agreement but the agreement was not updated so she asks that we look over the agreement and add, change or correct items to bring it up to date. One thing was suggested today “add the office and suite in the agreement.” Sharon will schedule an appointment with Blair Atkinson and Amanda to go over the document and get it signed as soon as we give our updates to her.


Meals….Clem reported we had 114 guests at our December dinner at Meditations. He got great reviews on the food. We seem to get a good deal at Meditations. February we will have Klein’s Catering. March caterer will be Mexico Joes, April will be Celebrations Catering. He mentioned the Emeriti subsidy for meals used to be 1,200.00 then went up to 2,300.00 and this past year it is 2,500.00 dollars.


Zane asked for any new suggestions for the Newsletter. One suggestion was to include the price change on Health Insurance Premiums so retirees can increase their amount at the Bursar.


Glade reported he has no new news from the Tech or Athletic areas.


Ron brought up the donations we make to the High School Choir and occasional speakers such as Carolyn Headrick. Clem suggested the Activities Chair should be able give the donations as just mentioned and be able to offer travel expenses to outside speakers. He also suggested we include this in the Policy and Procedures.


Thank you to Retiring Officers/Councilors

Sharon and all thanked the retiring officers and council members: Dennis, Tana, Kay, Kent, Clem. Clem will remain as Catering and reservations, Althea will take over the Emeriti Suite Décor Committee, Barbara will take over the Historian duties from Kay Murphy and Kay Keys will take over as secretary.


At 4:00 Sharon pronounced the meeting adjourned.


Respectfully Submitted;

Tana Rutan


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