OSU Emeriti Council Meeting Minutes
Monday, January 28, 2019 1:30 p.m.,
Emeriti Council Room, Alumni Center
Executive Committee Members Present: Sharon Nivens, Mike Lorenz, Anne Matoy, Faye Ann Presnal, Kay Keys, Ron Elliott
Council Members Present: Dolores Willett, Jack Dillwith, Althea Wright, Doug Aichele, Bob Wetteman, Tana Rutan, Gladeen Allred, Barbara Miller, Jim Halligan
Committee Chairs Present: Glade Presnal
Agenda: The agenda was approved as presented.
Council Minutes:The November minutes were approved as presented.
Treasurer’s Report: The treasurer’s report was received as presented. The treasurer announced that the Association is in “good financial shape.” Following discussion, it was moved (Anne) and seconded (Gladeen) that the savings account be eliminated, with the ending balance being put into the existing money market account. The motion carried. It was also moved (Mike) and seconded (Tana) that $10,000 be transferred from the combined account to a 12-month CD. The motion carried. Additional discussion centered on the use of the available cash in the general foundation account. While no decision was reached on that issue, council members were urged to give further consideration to how they might want to use the funds. Council members asked that the treasurer find out from Donna Koeppe (at the Foundation) if principal from the general account can be moved to the scholarship account.
Reports and Updates
Mike reported that Gerald Horne, Rick Beier, and Zane Quible would be members of the committee. He stated that he would like to add a member from each college and also expressed a need for a staff member.
Following discussion, it was moved (Mike) and seconded (Ron) that the current policy regarding a complimentary meal for prospective members and their partners be expanded to include new members and their partners for a period of up to six months after their having joined. There will be a limit of one complimentary meal, either as a prospective member or a new one. The motion carried. Mike noted that record-keeping would be important. The new policy will go into effect immediately, but will be sent to the ad hoc Policy and Procedures Committee to be incorporated when they meet for their regularly scheduled review this year. Finally, Mike reported that Dolores had completed the update of the brochure. Sharon will email it to council members for final review. The brochures will be printed as needed by the Office of the Provost.
Faye Anne noted that she had received an annual report from the Emeriti Investment Club. It will be sent to Barbara for the archives. She then informed the group of the programs she had scheduled for the remainder of the year. (See attachment for specifics.) On a final note, she mentioned that she would like to reach out to area alumni groups as another programming source.
Faculty Council
Barbara reported…|
that the names of the candidates for the position of dean of Arts and Sciences were to be announced after MLK Day, but that they had not yet been publicized.
that Dr. Daniel Allenback, who holds degrees from OSU, would replace Lee Bird as vicepresident of Student Affairs.
that President Hargis felt the current situation at the Capitol was somewhat better than it had been last year.
that a new policy for un-naming buildings would be sent to the March meeting of the Regents.
that HR is working with the Higher Learning Commission on the creation of a process that ensures that every faculty member is qualified to be teaching his/her respective classes. The focus is to ensure that those with field experience, but no doctorate, are qualified. Departments will still determine qualifications for their specific areas.
See attachment sent by Sharon with the agenda.
See attachment sent by Sharon with the agenda.
2019 Budget
Ron presented the new budget. It was moved (Mike) and seconded (Anne) that the budget be approved. The motion carried.
Agreement with Alumni Center
Sharon announced that the current agreement, signed in 2011, was no longer applicable and asked for input on the attached draft of a new agreement which she had written. Anne encouraged that the council be notified and perhaps even give approval for use of the Emeriti Council Room by others. She is concerned that the room be properly maintained. Glade suggested that we include a clause requiring a 60-day notification if the Alumni Association needs the space reserved by the Emeriti Association for any Monday dinner. Sharon will arrange a meeting with the new director of the Alumni Association. Ron, Althea, Anne, and Mike volunteered to attend with her.
Monday Night Parking
Ron stated that he feared parking problems kept some members from attending Monday night dinners. A brief discussion followed, but no decisions were reached.
Having no volunteers to conduct a review of the 2018 financial records, Sharon will appoint individuals to carry out the task. She will also send an email to ensure that Russ will be able to handle the name tags at the February dinner. Finally, she complimented Zane on the January newsletter and announced that she had had good response to the request for members’ email addresses.
Respectfully submitted,
Kay W. Keys, Secretary