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OSU Emeriti Association

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OSU Emeriti Council

Meeting Minutes

Monday, October 28, 2019 1:30

Emeriti Council Room, Alumni Center

Executive Committee Members Present: Sharon Nivens, Mike Lorenz, Faye Ann Presnal, Kay Keys, Ron Elliott


Council Members Present: Dolores Willett, Jack Dillwith, Althea Wright, Bob Wettemann, Tana Rutan, Gladeen Allred, Barbara Miller, Jim Halligan


Committee Chairs Present: Zane Quible


Agenda: The agenda was approved as presented.


Council Minutes: With one small change, the minutes of the September meeting were approved.


Reports and Updates


Vice-president Activities Update


Faye Ann reported the following:


  • Josh Holiday has confirmed for the next dinner meeting and will present an overview of the baseball program as well as the 2020 season.

  • Clem has made arrangements with Hello Catering for an Italian dinner.
  • The NewsPress recently published a picture and an article about our scholarship. The article also outlined who is eligible for membership in the organization and how one can join.
  • Due to scheduling problems at Meditations, the December 2 dinner has been changed to December 9. The Stillwater High School Chorale will perform. Poinsettias will be purchased (by Sharon) and used as centerpieces on each table. Those over 90 years of age will be invited to take home a poinsettia. A poinsettia will be presented to the choir director along with a check for $100.
  • Cathy needs one more registrant for the November 7 tour of the Weather Center in Norman. The trip will include a stop for dinner on the way home.
  • A problem has arisen with the Opryland trip. It was necessary to change the dates, and the new dates (December 10-14) have created a bit of a conflict with the Plano trip. Nonetheless, both trips will take place.
  • Faye Ann contacted Russ regarding Emeriti members serving as volunteers at the McKnight Center. It is his suggestion that an announcement be made in the newsletter asking those interested to sign up. He also suggested that the newsletter print a blurb asking members for program suggestions.

Faculty Council

Prior to presenting her report, Barbara updated Council members on the parking situation at the McKnight Center. The cost of parking for Center events will remain at $15. For Music Department events, however, 70 meter spaces will be available at no charge.


With regard to the Faculty Council, Barbara reported the following:

  • Ron Tarbutton, campus facilities manager, stated that the campus post office can now issue passports. Those seeking passports should take their own photos, however. Tarbutton also announced several statue installations on campus. They are a bronze near Human Sciences, a Tai Chi kinetic sculpture near ATRC, and DNA IV near the McKnight Center.
  • New landscaping is being done in the areas near Theta Pond, Boomer Creek, and the Botanic Garden. Older buildings are also undergoing surface repairs (tuck-pointing and power washing) as well as some interior renovation.
  • President Hargis announced that, since the Legislature is not in session, all is quiet at the Capitol. He further stated that the McKnight opening occurred on time and within budget. The New York Philharmonic enjoyed their visit on the campus, and a possible return visit is being negotiated.
  • The Women’s Faculty Council is again presenting Outstanding Achievement and Mentorship Awards to full-time faculty members. Emphasis is given to those who coach and mentor women faculty and students and those who serve as excellent role models and encourage professional development of women. Deadline for applications was October 15.
  • Staff Advisory Council is again partnering with the Junior Service League of Stillwater for Harvest II, which will run from October 21 through November 7. Pick-ups and drop-offs will be at the upper level of the Student Union Plaza and at the Family Resource Center, 719 Walnut Street.
  • No new recommendations have received final approval.

Barbara reported the following items from the Faculty Committee:

  • The committee met October 23 to determine a work plan for the year.
  • About 10% of OSU faculty members are international. The process through which these individuals obtain their work visas is quite complicated, and no uniform plan exists to aid the applicants. It is now being handled through Global Studies, and the individual providing guidance is retiring. The Committee believes there should be a uniform procedure and that the matter should be run through the Provost’s Office.
  • Many faculty members fail (either by refusal or through neglect) to participate in the Cumulative Review of Faculty. The Committee will look into whether this non-compliance should be considered a failed post-tenure review. It has been suggested that two failures to participate signal a termination procedure.
  • The Faculty Committee reviews many tenure decisions. It is often reported that individuals are not properly mentored. The Committee will look into the matter, studying how the process is handled in various departments and at other universities.
  • Many complaints have been received regarding the lack of sufficient information during the recent possible shooting alert at the library. Staff inside the building and some students were not clear on what was occurring. The Committee will look into the matter. All are reminded that “open-carry” becomes effective soon, but that guns cannot be carried on the campus.



Zane reported the following:

  • The November Newsletter has been sent to Misty for distribution. The November and December program schedules have not yet been sent.
  • Doug’s program attracted twelve people, and Zane’s Succession Document program attracted seven.
  • The art and music groups are short on attendance and may be put on hold until after the first of the year.
  • The tour of the emergency management system at City Hall is set for November 8, and the tour of the poinsettia greenhouse will be December 4. He is asking for reservations so that people can be notified in the event of cancellation.
  • Cost of BCBS insurance will increase in April.
  • Authors are needed for articles in the 2020 newsletters. He has four lined up, but needs additional people.

Zane asked about converting the newsletter, which is now on the web page, to HTML. It was decided that it would be left as a PDF as it would not format well. It was also decided that there would be no follow-up on the new newsletter design. Rather, readers will be asked for suggestions regarding additional topics.


Kay reported that Priscilla Gerfen had agreed to take over Althea’s responsibilities at the Meet and Greet events. She will begin her duties in the new year.


Jack and Bob have reviewed the Constitution, By-laws, and Policies and Procedures. While there was discussion regarding P & P # 15, it was decided that no changes would be made at this time.


It was announced that no candidate had yet been found for the position of president-elect. The slate of officers will be announced at the November dinner. If anyone has a suggestion, s/he should call Mike or Sharon.


New counselors will be invited to the December meeting of the Council, which is currently scheduled for 3:00 on December 9. The date and/or time may need to be changed as the Christmas dinner at Meditations begins at 5:00. The issue was tabled until the November meeting.


Zane agreed to send the bio of the McCollom Emeriti Scholarship recipient along with the newspaper article and picture to Katherine.

Barbara agreed to help Ron collect money at the November dinner.




The meeting was adjourned at 2:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Kay W. Keys

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