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OSU Emeriti Association

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OSU Emeriti Council Meeting Minutes

Monday, January 29, 2020

1:30 p.m., Emeriti Council Room, Alumni Center


Executive Committee Members Present:  Mike Lorenz, Sharon Nivens, Faye Ann Presnal, Kay Keys, Ron Elliot


Council Members Present:  Bob Wettemann, Gladeen Allred, Barbara Miller, Jim Halligan, Rick Beier, Francis Epplin, Gary Sherrer  


Committee Chairs Present:  Zane Quible, Glade Presnal



The agenda was approved. 


Council Minutes:

Minutes of the October meeting were approved as distributed.


Treasurer’s Report: 

The November and December treasurer’s reports were received as presented as was the annual report for 2019. 


Last year, the group voted to reimburse the checking account for MND room costs from the cash portion of the general fund in the Foundation account.  It was moved (Ron) and seconded (Gary) that we move $1,255 from the Foundation account to the checking account to reimburse 2019 room costs.  The motion carried.


After considerable discussion, it was moved (Jim) and seconded (Barbara) that the CD at the Credit Union be renewed for one year and that $10,000 be moved from the money market account at the Credit Union to the non-permanent portion of the general fund in the Foundation account.  The motion passed.


Reports and Updates: 


Membership Update:  Mike reminded the group of the need for a president-elect.  Until someone fills the position, he is carrying out responsibilities of both the president and president-elect.  He also announced that 43 new retirees would soon be contacted via mail and that four new members had joined the organization.  Grant Rezabek is a new life member and Laura Barnes, William Ivy, and Cheryl Berkland are all new annual members.  Council members voted to accept Cheryl as she is not an OSU retiree.  (Three children and a son-in-law are OSU graduates, and her grandson is currently studying at OSU.)


Mike presented the following membership information compiled by Misty:


  • For 2019
  • 489 members (includes 17 who have passed away)
  • 386 lifetime members (includes 16 who have passed away)
  • 103 annual members (includes 1 who has passed away)
  • 9 new members in 2019, all annual (2 have passed away)
  • For 2020
  • 473 members as of January 1
  • 29 annual members who haven’t yet renewed (includes 10 who haven’t paid since 2018 and should be dropped in 2020)
  • 4 new members since January 1

Vice-president Activities Update:  Faye Ann announced the following:


  • Randy Seitsinger, CEAT, will present a program about the ENDEAVOR LABS at the February dinner. Following the presentation, interested members will be invited to tour the labs and meet some of the students.
  • The March program will be presented by Clint Williams, director of development at the McKnight Center, and Darrin Williams, manager of education and community engagement. The program will involve students from the Greenwood School of Music and perhaps a “sneak preview” of next season’s line-up.
  • A potential program for April is a presentation by the Stillwater Singers. As has been the case in the past, the May program will be held at Meditations in conjunction with OLLI.
  • Nineteen people have signed up for the Chocolate Mystery Tour on February 15. Reservations are still being accepted.

In closing, Faye Ann requested suggestions for future programs.   Mike suggested that we try again to schedule an event at the Botanic Garden.


Faculty Council:  Barbara gave the following summary of the January 14 meeting:


  • Kirksey noted that OSU, having earned 24 national awards and honors, is the most decorated institution in the country. He further noted that the Division’s capital campaign had set a goal of $1.65M, but had raised $6.4M, yielding nearly an additional 50 endowed scholarships.  Highlights of his report included a 97% increase in enrollments of color, an 88% increase in total faculty of color, and more Native Americans earning a college degree from OSU than from any other institution in the country.
  • President Hargis announced a flat budget, which means that back funding owed by the state for endowed chairs will not be forthcoming. He also reported that he will again refuse to approve a guns-on-campus movement. 
  • It was reported that faculty and staff spouses can now use the Colvin and Seretean services for free.
  • Four policy updates were approved and will now move forward toward final approval.
  • The Faculty Council recommendations for revisions to the add/drop policy and withdrawal from the university have received final approval and will be effective in January, 2020. The non-refundable penalty will be assessed as a fee rather than tuition.
  • Council reaffirmed a resolution to continue to support the current law and current OSU policy regulating weapons, firearms, etc., and to oppose any legislation mandating that state-supported universities allow students, staff, or faculty unrestricted ability to carry weapons on university property.
  • Faculty Council members were asked to identify candidates for president-elect and secretary to be presented at the February meeting.

Emeriti Panel on Retirement:  Bob provided the following ideas regarding such a panel:

  • that the panel be made up of Emeriti Association members who have retired in the last five years and include the HR person who deals with retirement benefits
  • that there be both faculty and staff retirees on the panel as benefits may differ for the two groups
  • that each member introduce him/herself and provide introductory comments not to exceed three minutes
  • that discussion center on previously submitted topics and questions
  • that the panel use the opportunity to encourage attendees to join the Emeriti Association

Many of the potential topics that have been brought up focus on financial matters.  Members seem to agree that panel members should direct attendees to the HR retirement sessions for answers to these specific questions.   



Annual Reports:  Mike reminded committee chairs that annual reports are due.


Dinner Costs:  Mike presented a ranking of the caterers used in the past year.  The ranking, from least to most expensive, is as follows:  Klein’s, Hello Catering, Meditations, Mexico Joe’s, and Celebrations.  In addition, he provided data concerning the amount subsidized by the Emeriti Association for food with each of the caterers.  The average subsidy per person eating is $2.80, while the average per meal paid for is $3.10.

No changes are going to be made in 2020, but Mike asked Council members to be thinking about possible modifications to address the issue of subsidies in the future.



The meeting was adjourned at 2:35 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Kay W. Keys, Secretary